Tuesday 5 May 2009

Ident 3 - Volley ball

4. At the same time as the ball begins to slow down, the Sky Sports logo moves onto the screen to complete the sequence of events and end the ident.
3. For the animation part, the volley ball appears over the net and bounces on the sand before stopping in the frame. This was created using Reactor which due to the un -level surface was a hard task to master.
2. The beach scene itself is primarily contructed of two planes with different material properties to create the sand and sea effect. I chrome material was also made by altering the light qualities on a Raytrace material. The net was created by applying the same UVW map to a plane which, due to the black background of the map, made the blackness transparent. Making the plane 2-sided gave the perfect volleyball net.
1. For the final ident I decided to create a volley ball style scene set on a beach. I created a volleyball by munipulating the sides of a cube to keep flat surfaces yet making the object rounded. Then a mesh smooth was applied.

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