Monday 4 May 2009

Ident 1 - Cricket

The finished ident shows the Sky sports logo on the bails as the camera pans out the ball comes into view hitting the stumps and knocking off the bails shortly followed by the Sky Sports logo.

5. The final part of the animation was the addition of the Sky Sports logo which appears at the end of the scene. It comes through the plane and rests in the centre of the animation as a focal point. To create the transparent effect, I applied a Raytrace aspect to the material and increased the specular and glossiness level.
4. Next, using Reactor, three seperate animations were created which were the movement of the cricket ball, the movement of the stumps and the movement of the bails. After being created, all three were correctly aligned to make the scene look as authentic as possible in the aspect of real life.
3. The next step was the creation on the background. The sky is an applied bitmap in the environments settings of 3D Max and the grass is a bitmap applied to a plane.
2. The stumps in the cricket scene were created by stretching a sphere, with the top of the stump shaped using a boolean effect which I then copied. The bails were created using simple cylinders which were manipulated to give their shape
1. Firstly I created the ball to be used in the animation which in this case was a cricket ball. To create the leathery effect on the surface a bump map was used using a bitmap, after also applying diffused colour for added effect.

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