Tuesday 5 May 2009

Ident 2 - Golf

4. The finale of the ident sees the golf ball come to rest on the 'o' of the word Sports. This gives a purpose to the design and also brings the animation and channel name together for the viewer.
3. As the golf ball bounces on the surface it rolls towards a Sky Sports logo which is cut into the floor using a boolean effect. The camera which originally was in a fixed position watching the bouncing animation, is by now panning around the logo and ball with a focal point fixed in the centre.
2. I wanted the ball to bounce on a grassy looking surface so I applied a grass texture to a plane and created the animation in Reactor.

1. When creating the golf themed ident, the first proccess was to create the golf ball itself. I did this by manipulating a sphere by converting it to an editable poly and beveling hexagonal section of it inwards to create the desired effect. Next I added a mesh smooth and an anistrophic shine to complete the golf ball look.

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